- Wedding bands
- Engagement rings
- Ducat - Golden coins
- Regular rings
- Earrings
- Necklaces and chains
- Bracelets
- Pendants
- Briliant set
- Dijamantski nakit
Ducat - Golden coins
Ducat was a golden coin and it was in use in numerous countries across Europe until the First World War. The most common gold coin weighed 3.4909 grams and had fineness 989/1000 (0.986) (Austrian golden coin which has the porter of Tzar Franz Joseph).
Ducat was a golden coin and it was in use in numerous countries across Europe until the First World War. The most common gold coin weighed 3.4909 grams and had fineness 989/1000 (0.986) (Austrian golden coin which has the porter of Tzar Franz Joseph).
It is considered that the first golden coin was made ordered by Roger II of Sicily 1140, with image of Jesus Christ and an inscription “Sit tibi, Christe, datus, quem tu regis iste ducatus” which means: “Oh Christ, let this duchy, which you rule, be dedicated to you.”
During the year 1284 the popularity of ducats began, actually since the Doge Enrico Dandolo of Venice (1280-1289) ordered his own ducat to be made.
On tails of ducat there was an image of Doge kneeling in front of Saint Marko and on heads was an image of Jesus Christ. During the middle ages the ducat was used as universal trading money.
Ducat was small, easy to make and had a stable value, therefore it had spread across entire south-east Europe, as a mean of payment.
Ducat was officially determined as a mean of payment in the entire Europe (standardized golden money) in 1566 by Tzar Ferdinand I.
Ducat kept that status until the year 1857 when it stopped being the official mean of payment. The confusion about the value of ducat got worse after few countries began to make silver ducats.
Serbia also made ducats. They were known as ducats of King Milan and Prince Lazar.
Today ducats still have great value and are mainly made of fineness 9000 meaning 22K. They are made in different weight and bought for different occasions. Ducats as a gift for celebration, birth of a child or as a gift to the newlyweds for a happy marriage.
Jewelry store Tanaskovic makes ducats with different motives on them. Motives of domestic ducats, different weight, fineness 22k: motive of St. Petka, White Angel, birth of Christ, St. Nicholas, St. Jovan, Virgin Mary and other.